bestie sliding scale

Bestie offers a sliding scale for all postpartum clients to accommodate different financial circumstances. A sliding scale allows me to make care accessible for those in all income brackets while also making a living. I trust all my clients to be honest and open with me and to not take advantage of the sliding scale as this is my full-time income. Sliding scales are about trust, economic justice, and acknowledging that people are more than their financial reality and that we shouldn't be ashamed to talk about money.

where do i fall on the sliding scale?


tier one

my household...

  • has limited expendable income*

  • struggles with underemployment

  • has no access to financial savings

  • debt that sometimes prohibits from meeting basic needs**

  • does not have the ability to take time off without financial burden


 tier two

my household...

  • has some expendable income*

  • is stably employed

  • might have access to financial savings

  • may have debt; does not prohibit from meeting basic needs**

  • can vacation annually or semi-annually without financial burden


tier three

my household...

  • has expendable income*

  • is stably employed or does not need to work to meet needs

  • has access to financial savings

  • may have debt; does not prohibit from meeting basic needs**

  • can vacation annually without financial burden


*expendable income covers the ability to spend money on films or concerts, new clothes, dining out, books, etc. each month

**basic needs include food, housing, and transportation